Saturday, November 13, 2010

i think massages could get addictive.

my time in destin is now just a memory, but there were a few last events that i think you all should know about. first of all, i started the week watching the steelers - bengals game with leah and kristy. kristy is a bengals fan, and...i have a steelers sweatshirt. so there was some fighting.

but then we made up.

and the abbie-adventurous week goes on...i had a massage on...what was it, tuesday night? it's hard to remember because time and space pretty much stand still when you get on that table. it is fabulous. the day leading up to my 5 o'clock massage appointment was full of pretty heavy duty work sanding leah and phil's large trellis in their backyard.

(and this is only half of it.)

i was in dire need of a massage after that, but unfortunately, the spray painting i completed in the days following really cause me to require yet another massage...and as you can imagine, it can become a vicious and expensive cycle. needless to say, i will not be getting another massage for some time due to monetary constraints...leah was kind enough to finance that one. i am learning how to massage my own forearms, and, side note: i am STILL scrubbing paint off of my hands and arms. but the finished product was so worth it!

we had a beautiful week on the gulf coast and i am also recovering from my pesky cold, slowly, but surely. so i had a couple more beach days! my favorite part of destin, to be sure.

thank you, small photogenic person, for the following photos:

i also had a destin staple this week: fried shrimp at dewey destin's, a GREAT seafood place right on the harbor. i even splurged and got key lime pie for dessert! i wish my dad had been there to enjoy it with me...and uncle nels, thanks for the suggestion! a great restaurant. (dad, notice the waffle house across the street. you and nels would be all set for a week!) the jeep sitting in the parking lot was my sweet ride. thanks, phil!

and some photos taken at the harbor:

my final florida adventure consisted of running to target, buying a box of hair color, and dyeing my hair! it has been two months since i've done anything different with it, so i was ready for a change. see the metamorphosis below!

step one: pose for the camera.

step two: separate sections and clip up, somewhat resembling how i used to do my hair in high school.
step three: scalp-stinging hair dye does its job. and it looks really dark and scary.

step four: rinse and rinse and rinse some more, and TA-DA! the hair God meant to give me. (it actually MATCHES my eyebrows.)


  1. I like the step about "this is how I did my hair in highschool" haha....I probably shouldn't admit that I still pin mine up like that from time to time. I also just got rid of all the blonde in my hair and back to natural (well, ok, I added some bright red...but I need a little spice in my life). Beautiful as always! Love the blog! :)

  2. you're so cute, it looks great. bet the green in your eyes is poppin' now :) Love, Rachael

  3. I love it! Can't wait to see you girl!
    Love, Jamie
