Wednesday, December 15, 2010

'tis the season: part 2

...for viruses. that's right, 'tis the season for viral infections to wrack my respiritory system for weeks on end. this is my second bout with some kind of head cold/chest cold in a period of six weeks. isn't there a rule against that somewhere that my body should know to follow?

thus my pictorial tour of pittsburgh yule is on hold. i will probably restate my goal next week. i hope you're not all too disappointed. it's going to be grand when it does go public, though, i assure you.

and for a quick update on my current goings-on...well...there's not much...going on, that is. on the bright side, i have been thoroughly enjoying my time to be close to my nephews and my sister and her hubbie, and friends in pittsburgh. i've been working at gap about 20 hours a week, and i work at the gingerbread gig all weekend. on the "dark side," (not to get all star wars on you) i feel torn in many different directions when it comes to where i want to live, what kind of career i want, and when to give up on the ideas that aren't supposed to be part of the picture. i have had several interviews in pittsburgh and have sent resumes all over the place. the cold has set into the northeast and into my heart, as it sometimes feels, but, being a lifelong northeastern-er, i saw that coming.

so these are basically the reasons i have not been blogging. i really want my blog to be uplifting, so how can i chronicle these darker, colder days? i responded with the easiest answer: "i can't...i'll just let the blog go dormant." but then i realized...i didn't name this "the comfortable and ever-upbeat life of abbie gagnon." i aptly named it "adventures with abbie." and the adventure certainly is not's just at that part when just about everything is going wrong for the likable main character and the reader just feel depressed at the end of the chapter. but then, something good ALWAYS happens in the next chapter, right? well, let's just put it out there: this protagonist is ready for something good in chapter 2011.

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